Crafted under one roof, 'hj-duo' is a creative collaboration between life and work partners Hua Li and James Richards. Established in 2024, our focus lies in slow-batch furniture, artworks, and music creation.
Hua, with her bold black hair, has been an interior designer and artist for high-end projects since 2000. James, a curly-haired industrial designer, has been a skilled luxury furniture maker since 2011 (or, more accurately, since his childhood on a farm in northern Victoria). Our hair may not be important, but it is important how we mix our stuff together to make something unique.
We mixed our Chinese and Australian culture roots to make our daughter Duo Richards born 2014. Her robust self-expression and vivid imagination inspire us to value life, freedom, and the connections we make. This spirit of togetherness is the essence of 'hj-duo.'
We mix our decades of project experience and a wealth of knowledge in materials and techniques to create functional and meaningful art, furniture and music. Each piece is composed with form, rhythm, function and mood based on Hua’s scribbles on paper and James hands on making.